Friday, December 17, 2010

Nyansapo 41

Even the ant reaches its destination.

Nyansapo 40

If he is not careful, Gbagbo baa gbo.

Nyansapo 39

"The mind of the ant is bigger than the ant-hill, afterall it [the ant] created the ant-hill." Prof Atukwei Okai

Nyansapo 38

So when will Ghanaian stop reading politics in even how the ant walks?

Nyansapo 37

Some people do not count their chicks before they are hatched, they do better. They count them even before the eggs can be laid and before determining if their chicken is a broiler or a layer.

Nyansapo 36

My lesson from Asamoah Gyan's progress: never listen to naysayers, including your own doubts. The journey from reject to elect is powered by belief, persistence and hardwork.

Nyansapo 35

I have found the writing of poetry one sure discipline if one wants to condense a thousand thoughts, words and feelings into one sentence.

Nyansapo 34

You don't need to be great to touch a life, but keep on touching lives and you will be great.

Nyansapo 33

Thinking is an exothermic activity, and should convert potential energy into kinetic.

Nyansapo 32

Brown leaves fall, green leaves fall as well. Not all seedlings become big trees. What you gotta do for the world, your society, for one person, do it now, start, don't wait for an elusive tomorrow.

Nyansapo 31

Your name is a brand. Build its brand equity, as a legacy for your descendants.

Nyansapo 30

Our generation is the game-changing generation for our country and continent. We cannot join in the chant of our predecessors; we cannot think at the same level, we cannot go at the same pace. We are the generation with the greatest exposure to what better conditions can be like – let’s replicate it here. We know what it a country that takes action looks like – let’s cut the long talk. We know not just the potential but the actual position this nation can spring to – let’s get working.